Sunday, January 18, 2009


Written on Jan 18 at 1:36 in the morning.

Well, perhaps the world isn't comingto an end. And I only say this because I bothered to download the MySpace app for my iPod. Which prompted me to log into my account, something I hadn't wanted to do for a while. I haven't been feeling grand at all, and dealingwith people was asking just a bit too much of my mental state. But I logged on, none the less. Upon logging in, I found that I had some messages--other than the ones I had been avoiding since my Christmas Break from Hell started. The new one was from my best and closest friend--despite literal distance and the fact that I haven't spoken to anyone in the last month and a half--Alley.
And this is why I say that the world isn't coming to an end. (At least not yet.)
She left me a comment, with a picture, and for me who had been depressed about a number of thngs, one being people and another being the pain I am still in, that picture made my whole night and day. My chosen time ofthe middle of the night was rather dangerous because of my writer mind, let's say I went places, but they were places in need of revisisting. And her discription of what I would think of the picture was really amusing, it was also dead on. She sent me the pick with the words: I kno yr gonna like... no love this so here you go.

Any guesses what the picture was of?

To Write, Is Life