Sunday, November 16, 2008

We Are the Chosen Ones

See, the problem with imgangeary friends is you can never tell if they're real or not, espically if they have real sounding names. Like take for instants, what I call my imginary friend in public: Will. I call him this because his 'real' name is just a little conspicus and besides most of the time no one knows he doesn't exist. So it's a great thing to hide behind, because he and I really do have some awesome converstions. :D
But this brings me to a problem, even though it's something I'm guilty of too.
Ever like someone, but never wanted them to know so you just create a differnt person and tell everyone you like this mystery man? (Or lass if you're a guy). Ever done that? I have. Like twice. And now I'm starting to become suspicious it is being done about me. Which would be fine, if I weren't dieing to know. :)
But, I could be dead wrong, and then I'll just come across as an arrogent fool, but oh-well.
I suppose that is all for tonight. But before I go, I want to post this poem I came up with about ten minutes ago.

We are the Chosen Ones

We are the ones that keep ourselves
Not locked alone and hurting, we're happy with who we are
But we are the ones that manage through
Every day, unlike that privileged few
We are the ones that survive to tell life's amazing tale
The ones who know that in the end, we always will prevail
Because we are the ones who know
Know not what is to come, but know that if you look inside yourself
We know we aren't the privileged few, we raise our standards, raise our bar
And even though it's always hard to do
We always go on because the day we don't we come to rue
Because we are the Chosen Ones
The ones who know that in life nothing matters but ourselves
Yes, friends do matter, but to what extent?
If they are not of our blood, the Chosen Ones
How much will they matter when they are extinct?
Because to be one of the Chosen Ones
To force the mind to look outside
See the world
And never hide
To not slink away like the our counterparts do
Those who hide: they are the privileged few
So in the spirit of being free
Stand beside your fellows and see
That even though we are few
And that we will always have so much more to do
We take this on, all by choice,
It's in our nature, it was our given voice
And so be proud, even if life gets too much to bear
Please remember you're not alone
You've never been out on your own
Because you are one of the Chosen Ones
Who stand tall, and proud when the battle's done
Even if we are miles apart, and have never met,
Nor had a heart to heart
We are a part of something better,
A mindset of people, who run together
We are not a part of the privileged few
Because of them we have much to do
And be glad you're not one of the privileged few
Because they slink away and hide, and never do they rue
The day their life stopped moving and was done
This is why we are the Chosen Ones.

Hope you liked it!

To Write, Is Life

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