Monday, December 1, 2008

The Weres Were Here

Well, I think I offically got rid of someone who's been a pain in my butt for awhile. At least I hope I did.
Which brings me to my other point.

Why on Earth just because I'm a pretty blonde chick, must the most of the male population be so goddamn crude? What gives them the right...? The right to strut around, not being that great, or wonderful themselves, and demand things, just because they've got a dick in between their legs? What gives them the right to not listen or respect what I say? Where do they get off? And the sad part is, almost every last one I know acts this way. Except for two.
Xander is one of them.
And to you Xander, I dedicate this post.
Just as I dedicate this post to anyone wanting a relationship and being offended that the world's standards have fallen so badly. I understand your plight because I'm in the middle of it too. I wish I had some great wisdom to impart, the secret to finding true love, to being happy with someone, and feeling like you two were a team and that it didn't matter what the rest of the world did. Because they were there with you.
But I don't have that secret, I don't have an answer. I just know that two of my closest friends have found it. The only sad thing about them is: they exist in the written pages of my yet to be finished book.
Isn't it ironic that two characters got it right?
It is to me.
So I dedicate this post to Xander, the only boy I know who would lay out in the pouring rain with me in the middle of a thunderstorm just because seeing the camera flash of lighting was beautiful.

And remember,

you are the one who will open the door.

To Write, Is Life

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